
Front, lateral and diagonal cone hops are considered plyometric jumping exercises. Plyometrics is a type of exercise in which you contract your muscle eccentrically, or elongate the muscle, and then immediately contract the muscle concentrically, or shorten it. The faster your muscle flips from a stretch to a release, under armour boys shorts the more power you can generate and the quicker your reaction time. Cone hops and other types of hops, such as skipping, are low- to medium-intensity drills and can be performed on a daily basis. In contrast, depth jumps and bounding are high-intensity exercises and require more recovery time between sessions.

Step-by-Step Execution

To perform diagonal cone hops, put six to 10 cones about 1 1/2 to 2 feet apart in a row but forming a zigzag pattern. The cones can range anywhere from eight to 12 inches in height. Start with a slight bend in your knees and legs parallel and together like a kangaroo. Hop over the cones, following the zigzag pattern down the line. Try to land on the balls of your feet. Change direction to hurdle over the next cone. Use a double arm swing to sustain momentum as well as to stabilize your body in motion.

Preparation and Progression

Before you attempt diagonal cone hops, do diagonal line jumps to grow accustomed to hopping in a zigzag fashion. Mark or tape a line to the ground. womens cheap Hop over the line at a 45-degree angle, drawing your knees to your torso. Perform 10 jumps for two sets, increasing to three sets and one-legged jumps as you grow stronger. To increase the intensity of diagonal cone hops, you can boost the size of the cones as well as perform the exercise within a given time limit. When you progress to one-legged jumps over obstacles, the exercise becomes a high-intensity endeavor and may require recovery time between sessions.


Perform diagonal cone hops on a soft and even surface to reduce the risk of injuries to your ankles and knees. Try to land softly, absorbing the impact of the jump progressively through your ankles, knees and hips. When performing the jumps, keep your abdominal muscles and glutes slightly contracted and use arms swings to power you through the course. under armour sonic compression Condition your body with four to six weeks of aerobic and resistance training before attempting plyometric jumps. If you’re not in good shape, these types of exercise can put too much stress on your body, which can result in lower-back pain and knee and alignment problems.


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