
Engage in a minimum of 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise, four to five times a week. jordan shoes The Cleveland Clinic explains that although it doesn't provide spot reduction on the arms, cardiovascular exercise encourages generalized fat loss from the body. Cardiovascular exercise, which can include brisk walking, swimming or cycling, should also include five to 10 minutes of warm-up and cool-down activity of lower intensity. In addition, cardiovascular exercise tones the larger muscle groups of your body such as your legs. As a result, your body's demand for caloric expenditure increases to provide fuel to the muscles.

Reduce your daily caloric intake by approximately 500 calories. Fat loss is encouraged by increased physical activity as well as reducing the amount of calories you consume. Calories are the equivalent of gas for your car, except excess calories are stored in your body as fat. Decreasing your caloric intake forces your body to draw energy from stored fat that is deposited around your body. A pound of fat is the rough equivalent of 3,500 calories, so reducing 500 calories a day should produce fat loss of approximately one pound a week. Keep in mind that this is the fat loss solely resulting from caloric reduction and does not account for the additional loss of fat caused by increased physical activity.

Tone your triceps muscles, located at the rear of your upper arms, by performing triceps extensions. Many people, particularly women, struggle with loose skin in this area. Unfortunately, the skin can become less elastic with age, leading to additional loosening of the skin and the illusion of having excess fat in the area. Fortunately, the triceps muscle responds to exercises such as the seated triceps extension. usa baketball shoes The exercise is performed by sitting with your upper arms resting against a pad that also protects your chest. Holding an individual weight or a single bar, push the weight in a downward motion while also flexing the triceps muscles on the downward movement. Aim to complete three sets of 12 to 15 repetitions of this exercise, on three nonconsecutive days a week.

Perform three sets of 15 repetitions of machine biceps curls. A curling motion engages the muscles of the front of your upper arm, more commonly known as the biceps. The seated machine version of this exercise is accomplished by resting your chest against an angled pad, with both arms draped over the front of the pad. Grasp a bar or individual pulley handles and bend your arms at the elbows, without lifting them from the pad. Gradually lower the weight and repeat the exercise. The biceps muscles often gain the most attention when they are toned. For men, the muscles will develop and become larger, while women's biceps tone, tighten and grow only slightly.

Complete at least three sets of 15 repetitions of standing machine cable pressdowns. kyrie irving shoes Use a pulley apparatus that allows you to attach a weight bar so it dangles at a point approximately parallel with your hands when your arms are bent at the elbow. Stand in front of the bar with your feet shoulder-width apart and grasp the bar with your hands approximately the same distance apart. Keeping your back and knees straight, push the bar downward until your arms are parallel with your body. Hold the position briefly, then gradually allow the bar to move to its original position.


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